Sunday, 3 March 2013

Metro Vancouver Kink + Anal-hook + Female = AWESOME

Tonight I went to MVK (Metro Vancouver Kink) years ago I hated things like this. I decided for the first time to go. It was THRILLING! There is nothing like real BDSM with Lifestylers.

I sat watching my friends girlfriend in her cage. She had the perfect body with stockings and her panties pulled just below her blushing bottom. Her hands were in leather locking mitts. A chain ran from another sexy lady down through the top of the cage and along friend body. At the end of the chain was a long thick anal-hook. That hook was firmly implanted in her sweet pink, stretch rosebud. My delicious Domina TVGirlfriend stood outside of the locked cage. Dressed to her Dominant nines she stood; a bodystocking made out of black transparent fabric, under a corset with some little panties. As the room watched she would raise the chain through the cage roof. Her little friend would moan with pleasure. Higher Higher.. I just had to try it. You know when your see something your really would like to eat? (Yes loser, I know what you want to eat) Well I started salivating on the spot. What a dirty, little slut my friend had acquired. Back to the Dungeon I went. My friend, myself and her girlfriend are making some shops.

I looked at all of the dirty things you write to Me. My friend and I decided to throw sissyparties in Vancouver, BC, Canada. All sorts of naughty things can and will happen to them there. We also decided to open another clips shop with all our very erotic BDSM clips. Dominatrix in Vancouver will be able to come to our parties to meet all types of submissive men and women. The Dungeon is huge and has many different rooms.

The sensory deprivation room, sissy salon (600sqft), Suspension and bondage room. All of these wonderful things because I went to a playparty. I loved it! Hearing the screams and seeing the knots was so exciting. Now of course you know what that means. More clothes, more shoes, more money. It's so much fun when you can make money doing what you love. Unfortunately for you, you will never do Me (cuckold losers, Mr.BESTSEXIHAVEEVERHAD says lick the sheets).

Next party Noir Fetish club. Yes I've heard it is great fun and held in an old Crematorium Church.

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"Keep fucking with me. I can make ur death look like auto-erotic asphyxiation." -

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